4 Ways Preventive Dentistry Can Make Your Teeth and Gums Healthier

Preventive Dentistry  Foothill Ranch, CA

Preventive dentistry goes beyond undergoing dental checkups and cleanings twice a year. Read on to learn how preventive dentistry can protect against various oral health issues. You ensure a lifetime of good oral health and ultimately your general health if you keep those regular checkups. Preventive dental care checkups help you stay proactive in many aspects of your oral health, preventing major issues such as cavities and gum disease, which can result in tooth and bone tissue loss.

4 Ways preventive dentistry is important

Preventive dentistry centers around taking oral health care seriously now to avoid dealing with major issues later. Dental cleanings, x-rays, home oral hygiene habits, and fluoride treatments are just a few of the processes that fall under the category of preventative care. The benefits include:

1. Cavity prevention

Regular dental checkups can help prevent the development of cavities, which is one of the biggest benefits of preventive dentistry. It is difficult to reach every crevice of the mouth, regardless of a person's diligence in brushing and flossing. A professional cleaning eliminates plaque and tartar accumulation, which helps ensure healthy teeth. To further protect teeth from cavities, dentists might suggest dental sealants and fluoride treatments.

2. Gum disease prevention

Allowing plaque and tartar to accumulate on the teeth and gums predisposes patients to the risk of developing gum illnesses such as gingivitis and periodontitis. This severe gum infection can destroy the gum tissues and jawbones. If the dentist detects indications of gum disease in time, they can quickly take steps to relieve discomfort and maintain gum health.

3. Detect jaw issues early

Many people are unaware that they suffer from bruxism (tooth grinding) or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. These abnormalities, if left unaddressed, can lead to additional difficulties such as jaw misalignment and severe tension headaches. The dentist will recognize the early indications of these conditions and create a specific treatment plan.

4. Prevent serious health issues

Many severe medical diseases begin in the mouth. Poor dental hygiene, gum disease, and even tooth decay can trigger inflammation throughout the body, putting patients at risk of various illnesses. Oral health issues stem ultimately from poor oral hygiene habits, making it easier for germs to enter the bloodstream. Scientists have linked some of the following illnesses to poor oral health: diabetes, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, cancer, and respiratory issues. Poor dental hygiene in pregnant women can contribute to premature delivery and low birth weight.

The bottom line

If patients avoid visiting the dentist because the cleaning procedure is inconvenient or uncomfortable, they need to bear in mind that it only gives developing oral issues a chance to thrive and worsen over time. Visiting the dentist every six months makes the dental hygienist's work less complicated when scraping plaque and tartar off the teeth.

Preventive dentistry is vital not just for healthy teeth and gums but also for preserving a bright, beautiful smile. A thorough cleaning will improve the appearance of your teeth. Contact our dental office now to make an appointment for a preventative dentistry visit.

Request an appointment here: https://www.foothillfamilydentists.com or call Foothill Family Dentistry at (949) 506-2115 for an appointment in our Foothill Ranch office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Preventative Dental Care in Foothill Ranch, CA.

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